Service-Oriented Architecture – What Is It and How Can It Help Your Business?

Service-oriented architecture, or SOA, is a hot topic in business today. You may have read about service-oriented architectures and be wondering how they can affect your business as well as how they can be of use to you. By looking at it from both a real-world perspective as well as a technical perspective, you will forge a solid understanding of service-oriented architecture from which you can jump off to implementing this technology within your business.Defining Service-Oriented ArchitecturesEssentially, a service is the implementation of some step in one or more business processes, and a service-oriented architecture takes advantage of those services. More importantly, service-oriented architectures have many benefits for businesses, including enabling better alignment of business requirements and technology. Service-oriented architectures also allow services to be easily swapped out or reused for different purposes. And a service-oriented architecture gives your business the ability to leverage existing services easily while also leaving the option to write new services to fulfill specific purposes.Service-oriented architectures rely heavily on programming in XML, a text-based mark up language that enables developers to define their own specific structure of data. However, one major benefit of setting up a service-oriented architecture is that it doesn’t matter which language or protocol is used. Instead, the process can be written to be able to be used across many platforms.One simple example of service-oriented architecture would be a program that installed on a computer that can organize a user’s digital music library. The program may work best if it has access to the Internet and can utilize a service – looking up the name of a CD or song title in a large music database, for example, or giving access to an online store that uses the same database in a different manner. Service-oriented architectures are essentially about giving existing services new functionality.How Service-Oriented Architectures Can Benefit a BusinessWhen used by businesses, service-oriented architectures can make it possible for the establishment of, for example, a complete online registration process. This process could include a way to send the registrant an email with specific directions to the facility without requiring the person to go to a third-party website for that information. Instead, a program could be written to pull the information directly from the registration application, reference the third-party website, and seamlessly integrate the response into the confirmation email.The same could hold true for weather information – the program could give the user information about the weather based on both the user’s zip code and the zip code for the location of the training. This would enable the business to offer a value-added service in its emails – the weather information would be provided directly, rather than from a third-party site that the end user would have to access independently, and would be personalized. Other items involved in the service-oriented architecture could include scheduling, registration, and credit card processing.Services could also allow different ways to access a single database. Using a real-world example of service-oriented architecture, a company could make its database of books and music available to outside users as a service, and the users could choose to create processes that pull particular information out of that database. For example, someone could create a process that allows visitors to a website to search an artist name within that larger database, and the results returned would only encompass information relating to compact discs, rather than to book titles that also mentioned the name.Taking an example of service-oriented architecture from the business world, a database of courses could be utilized as a service to give different individuals access to different aspects of the database in different manners. Trainers, for example, could be given access to a thick client application that enables them to search a complete database, including courses that are not made available to the public. The public, on the other hand, could be given access to a web-based application through which it could search for courses falling on particular dates or covering particular topics. And sales people could be given even a different way to access that database to find out not only when courses are available but in which locations, leading to weather information and driving directions. All of this could be accomplished seamlessly using service-oriented architectures, without needing to create multiple databases for multiple users.Making Adjustments More Easily with Service-Oriented ArchitecturesOne difference between a service-oriented architecture and a more traditional development mode is that service-oriented architectures allow a company to hand over a more focused set of requirements to its IT team. In addition, while the full establishment of a service-oriented architecture can take an extended period of time, an individual service can be built in a few weeks. This means that there is room for easier adjustments to be made on a service and time for mistakes to be caught earlier in the process, which can further benefit a business.ConclusionEssentially, a service-oriented architecture can be a huge benefit for any company that uses Web-based applications. It can provide new functionality for programs written on outdated platforms and it can save developers time in not needing to write new processes when useful ones already are in existence. While service-oriented architectures may be the hot topic of the moment, it seems clear that they will continue to be an important part of business for many years to come.

Caring For Fine Art Reproductions

Reproduction artwork comes in a variety of categories which may include lithographs, serigraphs, oil paintings and giclees. With the ever-increasing popularity of giclee reproductions, we will only address that specific type in this article. Look for upcoming articles on other varieties of art reproductions,Fine art giclees represent the newest form of reproductions that are based in today’s most sophisticated technology. These reproductions begin with high resolution digital photographs of the original artwork that are then transferred onto other mediums through ink-jet (like) printers. For a more detailed explanation of how the actual giclee is created, see my article entitled…..What Is A Giclee?Giclee digital reproductions can be made of either canvas or paper. Special care should be taken to preserve your giclee reproductions. Here are a few tips that will ensure that your art investment is protected:Environment: Displayed and/or stored giclees require a stable environment. Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can negatively affect the painting itself. In the case of a giclee on paper with glass, condensation may form on the inside of the glass creating conditions for mold or deterioration of the paper. For canvas giclees, such fluctuations may ill affect the stretched canvas relinquishing it loose and unmanageable. Cracking may also occur under extreme dry conditions. It is advisable to maintain a reasonable constant in temperature and humidity.Sunlight: Unlike original art and reproduction oil paintings, giclees contain UV treatments in the archival inks and well as the varnish or clear coat. Therefore, it is less critical to display your giclee in sunlight. Numerous tests have been conducted that indicate that giclees can withstand fading and deterioration due to direct and indirect sunlight. Some experts estimate that giclees can last up to 75 years without signs of decline. However, when selecting that perfect spot for displaying your artwork you may want to keep in mind the general lighting conditions.Handling: It is always wise to handle any artwork with care. Damage to frames, canvases, glass, etc. can occur when moving art pieces. Additionally, touching the surface of the giclee may deposit natural oils from your skin that may have an adverse affect on the longevity of the surface of the painting. And keep sharp objects away from canvas art to avoid any damage to the canvas.Cleaning: Much care should be taken in the cleaning of giclee artwork. Dust particles can be removed periodically with a light brush. If further cleaning is required use a very damp cloth ( water only ) and lightly brush the surface of the giclee. Never use household cleaning products to clean art! And never scrub the surface of a canvas giclee. For extensive cleaning and/or repair.. always consult an art professional.Giclee reproductions represent the highest quality and most accurate depictions in today’s reproduction art world. With care and prudence they can last for a long time bringing you much pleasure and satisfaction!